I am a substitute teacher and even though I haven't been doing it long, I sometimes just can't believe what I hear and what I see. Today for example I got to substitute in a first grade class. The morning was going pretty smooth, and since it was going pretty smooth I had some extra time to spare. So I got the class sitting around me on the floor asking them questions about themselves so that I could get to know them better. As usual the kids were excited and started to blurb out all at once. So I had them raise their hands in order to have them talk one person at a time. Then I came to Shannon. She was a bubbly bright native american girl. When I called her name, she sunk a little and her voice became a little soft. "My daddy died," she said softly. "He was drunk, and he got hurt and died, and now my uncle is in jail and I have a different mommy now. She is white and has blue eyes," as she widens and points to her brown eyes. When I heard that my heart sank, "I'm so sorry to hear that Shannon." She smiled. As the day progressed Shannon came to me and again with her soft voice asked me, "Can I have a hug please?" I looked at her brown eyes and said, "Of course you can!" and I gave her the biggest hug I could. I knew that it was against the rules to hug a student, but I knew she really needed it. She left my embrace and continued her work. I smiled. Somehow I needed that hug just as much as she did.
When I left home I was still thinking about Shannon and how much she already had to endure. Life was already asking too much from this 6 year old, but from what I can tell by her face, she didn't seem to mind. Maybe she is too innocent to realize just how horrible her situation really is... or maybe I have been so selfish and egotistical to realize that what I have been through isn't the end of the world after all. I mean here I am, alive and living. Living a life that a lot of people would die for, and someone did. When Shannon told me her story there was no hint of resentment, no hint of self-pity, there was only facts. And when she needed a hug she came and asked for it. I can't begin to tell you what a powerful lesson that was for me. Even though I came into that classroom as the teacher, I left as the student. I think I can better grasp what Jesus was saying about becoming like children in order to inherit the kingdom of God.
God is so good.
you were right to follow you instincts. We often look to people like Corrie Tenboom who hid jews wtih her family during the holocaust, and say how brave they were to do what was right. It is no less brave to do what is right in the little things. It is also just as important to do what is right in the little things.
Having been raised in an abusive home i can testify that at times it is those little things that allow a child to hang on. I had a young lady in my family committ suicide last year and i was asked by a family member why-the only answer i have is that she had no hope. You don't know but maybe down the line that hug and the knowledge that there are good loving people in the world may be all that keeps that child (or another) from giving up hope.
Never fail to do what is right out of fear. That is the attitude that had lead and still leads to us allowing great attrocities like Darfur. The "it's not my job or it's not allowed or what can i do" attitude.
Bravo for you-you have God's spirit inside you guiding you in all truth-you light a little light shine in that girl's dark world. Remember we/you are the salt and the light if you want to be or not-it is your nature as part of christ.
Wow, Sis. That is a powerful story. The idea that this small child has had to live though some horrible things in such a short time on earth and yet is still "bubbly" and seems to hold no resentment towards her circumstances makes me examine my life and attitude more closely.
I am so happy that you were able to touch her life as well with just a hug. As much as you realized you needed it she may have needed it more. It is so great to see God working in you and through you.
I am sending BIG CYBER HUGS to you now. I love you and keep on living Christ-like.
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