Friday, April 10, 2009

Turn The Other Cheek?

Yes, there is a lot of conflict in my life right now... but does that mean it should take over my whole life? 

But conflict is a part of life. The fact that I over react to it is just a sign of how much I am fighting against powers beyond my control. My constant self-pity and worrying is only a symbol of how unaccepting I am with what life has to offer. In other words, because I think life "ought" to be a certain way, I throw a little fit when it doesn't go that certain way. I throw my hands up and ask questions like "Why?" and say things like, "It's not fair," or "What about..." All I can do at that moment is think about being victimized. I don't see the lessons that are being given to me. I don't see the value of learning humility. When all I can see is the horror of conflict and its ugly ramifications I loose out on what is really being given to me. 

I am not a victim. I am responsible for what I say and do. It doesn't matter what the other person says or does to me or to themselves or the world. Jesus taught his disciples to turn the other cheek and not fight back. But my concern is that isn't it important to let the other person know when they are stepping on my toes? Isn't it my responsibility to set a boundary and let them know that what they do and say "hurts?" I don't have to step on their toes back. I don't have to yell or belittle the person, just tell them that they are beyond my boundaries... right? 

Well, sometimes us humans are very good at coming up with great ways to deal with life. We have written millions upon millions of books on how to deal with life. We know all the answers when it comes to how to do this or that, or what the meaning of this or that is... But when you are out there in the real world, it isn't that easy to practice all those theories. It's funny because I thought I was doing a great job turning the other cheek. But in doing so, I somehow lost a sense of my dignity and respect. Letting people walk all over me and becoming a door mat is not a fulfilling life at all. So this new conflict in my life is not to remind me that I am a useless victim, but is teaching me that I need to start redefining "turn the other cheek." 

I'm not sure today what that means exactly. But in time as I practice some skills I suppose I will learn. Learning to communicate effectively is important, and that is something I need to work on. Perhaps a simple "ouch!" is needed, and maybe I just need to develop a backbone and stick up for myself. Otherwise, if I don't have any respect for myself, how will others respect me? After all, life is supposed to be full of conflict, and the sooner I accept that, the more I will be at peace with myself and the world. 

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