Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Be still...

The Bible verse says, "Be still and know that I am God..." This used to have a certain meaning to me when I first came across it. It meant that when I took time out of my busy schedule and looked around me I would notice things I would never notice before- the birds singing, the clocks ticking, the cool breeze against my cheek, the way the clouds moved across the sky, or hear absolutely nothing, and in that silence I could hear God's voice say, "I am God, the Creator!"

But as I continue this journey I am on, this verse has a new meaning for me. Not only do I notice things I would have not noticed because I was too busy; but something else took place while I stood still- the world kept going on without me! All that stuff I mentioned before was just a way of telling me that I am not God. In that stillness I have come to realize that I  really don't have any control outside myself. By staying still, I see that the world continues as it is whether I am participating or not. By staying still, GOD shows me that He is the one who is in control of all things. So all my worrying, my complaining, my trying to force solutions to my problems are nothing more than me getting in the way of seeing His hand at work in my life and in the life of others. By trying to force change in others  all I was really doing was getting in God's way.  By being still I realized that I have spent most of my life trying to play God. Being still doesn't just mean taking time off of your busy schedule, though that is necessary, and "noticing" the things around you, it's being able to be still in yourself at all times so that you are constantly aware that you are not God. When you can really accept that, then you can start to let go and let God. 

God help me be more still in my life! 

1 comment:

tadd said...

thanks for the comment on my blog. i have been steadily reading yours just didn't think i had much to add-until today.

What you wrote to me is the great part of this mystery. As i change what the word has for me changes. It is consistent with God but each time it brings new life to it. You are right on both definitions of "be still" i find that i cannot do the second until i am in the first-but that is just me.

It is a real blessing to reread the word and find it breathing new life into your heart. Keep pushing and learning and be well.
