I may never come to a point in my life where I no longer need God to redeem me from some sick sin. Maybe thats the way He wants it. His job after all is to redeem me, not once, or twice, but always. I may be an emotional basket case, but I am an emotional basket case who loves God and believes in His promises of redemption, hope and transformation. And transformation is a life long process. If I am honest with myself, it is easy for me to look at everyone else and how sick they are just to make myself feel a little bit better about my sickness. "At least I'm not as bad as that girl...yikes!" And although the bible is clear about self examination and warns us against judging others and gossiping we have taken that bible and used it as a hiding device; or a defense mechanism. "Yeah, I know I need to change, but look at those people over there... I'm not as bad as them." How many times do you read scripture and think of someone else other than yourself when it comes to changing ones ways? Though the bible warns against us judging others, we use the bible to do it. Though the bible warns against gossip we do it because its for our brothers own good.
I may be no scholar of the bible, and I may not understand or have the greatest insight about certain verses, but I do know that God is true, alive, loving and patient. I know that it does me no good to sit in a church and get filled up with good music, fun sermons with good messages, and participate in small group things when I take no inventory of myself. When I am too busy talking about someone else's walk, or another groups, or when I am too busy trying to figure out why people are the way they are, I have no time to allow God to transform me or redeem me.
I'll tell you in one word what's wrong with the church, and what's wrong with the world. ME!
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